Stop Putting Your Fingers In Your Butthole
These were the very first words out of my mouth this morning. I was talking to my 2 year old who thinks this is funny because of the way I react. This is the same person who after she poops says these three things… “Can I see it? Can I touch it? Can I eat it?” If you know me, it actually makes me quite proud…
Yes, I’m going to segue what my daughter did this morning into an important truth for Christians. Almost every time, you can trace back your heartbreaks and disappointments to a choice someone made. You may have been victimized but you are not a victim. You may be walking through an extremely difficult season but you are not defined by it. You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond to what happens to you. What boggles my mind most is when people tend to stick their fingers up their butt and wonder why they smell like dodo butter. Of course I mean figuratively. What I want you to know is you have full control over how you react to life. In spite of what our society says, you are not a victim. As neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf says, “We are not even victims of our biology. We are co-creators of our destiny alongside God.”
We need to get rid of this victim mentality and recognize our identity as children of God. We are victors! We don’t train FOR victory, we train FROM it. We must never allow our circumstances to dictate our feelings because our feelings aren’t facts. Jesus Himself was treated as a victim but He never allowed Himself to feel and live like one. In fact, He forgave His abusers in the midst of hanging from a tree. “Yea but that’s Jesus,” people say…Well, before Stephen was stoned to death for his faith in Acts 6-7, his last prayer wasn’t for God to save him from injustice. Rather, he prayed for the forgiveness of those who were killing him. This tells us everything we need to know about his victor mentality.
Life is constantly full of tension. You are guaranteed to go through seasons of pushing & pulling, ups & downs, ebbs & flows. If we allow the constant change to discombobulate who Jesus says we are, we negate what was done on the cross 2000 years ago. Jesus wrapped Himself in flesh to empower and transfigure His kids from death to life, depression to joy, anxiety to peace, victim to victor. Our circumstances only have as much power over us as we allow. We have full control over our thoughts, so transform the way you think about yourself because your heavenly Father calls you righteous, forgiven, loved, chosen, irreplaceable, anointed, perfected, royal...a saint!
I started this blog to help you speak life over yourself and walk in your true identity as a son or daughter of God. You’re a victor. You’re a saint. You’re all those words listed above. Don’t believe me? Over the next several weeks, I’m going to prove it. I’m going to prove how God views you, and it starts by claiming victory because Christ was and is victorious!