Who Is Servetus?

I have people in our church ask me curious questions all the time. I love curious questions because it means they are actually listening. I do find it interesting how many people are asking questions because they have been warned by other church goers about what I believe and teach. Usually, I'm just as shocked to find out what I apparently said. There are many assumptions, accusations, and misquotes.

However, several of these questions are fair - and I appreciate them. I even appreciate being able to explain my perspective or beliefs instead of just being talked about. So thank you! I value disagreement as long as their is dialogue and honor. I despise the christian culture who disagrees with dogma, fear, gossip, and shame. Warning people about people you do not know and cultures you have not experienced will always be wild to me.

When I think about disagreement throughout church history, I'm glad I wasn't born 500 years ago.

I love Jesus and His Church. I'm a bible and church history nerd! That is why I was shocked when I found out who Servetus was and how he died.

I grew up in the Baptist world. Usually the first question asked about what I believed growing up revolved around if I was a 4-point or 5-point calvinist. For those that don't know what that means, you're the lucky ones. I don't even want to share because I believe the conversation isn't beneficial or right. Simply put, people argue over John Calvin's T.U.L.I.P. theology. Also known as reformed theology. You can pinpoint one of these "men" pretty quickly because they publicly don't value the perspective of "women." At least in regards to theology and preaching. I'm sure they are great husbands and fathers privately.

John Calvin is best known for his teachings on the sovereignty of God and predestination. In my opinion, his input on these subjects have caused more harm than good. But I digress. However, the focus of this blog is to reveal the most harmful thing John Calvin did with his life. That being the murder of Michael Servetus. Yup! This is what happens when our hermeneutic (how we interpret Scripture) is not through the lens of Jesus. This is what happens when we're dogmatic about what we believe.

For the record - I currently believe Servetus was wrong. He was arguing with Calvin about the Trinity. His beliefs about the Trinity put him on trial with the Council of Geneva. I just don't believe he deserved to be burned alive. This is what religion does!

So today I am thankful. I'm thankful I wasn't born in the 15th century because I would have been burned alive by Calvin too! Any belief that justifies violence like that is not from God. I want nothing to do with the god that Calvin believed in. That god looks nothing like Jesus.


Should I Trust Myself?