Let's Disagree

Last week I witnessed something sad. I witnessed beliefs dictate the way strangers treated each other. I witnessed disagreement turn into abuse. I witnessed both sides prove they were right, while neither making a difference. 

Sure, I stirred up some controversy last week with my blog about racism. Almost as much controversy as my women in ministry or my castrated by Christians blogs. Christians hate when you address things that are CLEARLY in the Bible (sarcasm).

And that is one of the biggest problems with our society today. People love to disagree and tell you why you’re wrong without ever really allowing dialogue. People love to “dialogue” on Facebook with those they don’t do life with just because they’re Facebook “friends.” I don’t always respond, depending on the person or the post. It’s not avoiding dialogue. Facebook is not real life! I will gladly dialogue in person or in private. My number is available for anyone who asks. However, true dialogue requires factual education on the topic, patience to understand perspective, and empathy for experience. True dialogue still ends in friendship even if both parties disagree.

We need unity but that does not mean conformity. The difference is powerful. Be unique. Get educated without bias (which is hard to do). And keep listening. Your actions will speak louder than your words, but your words have the power to create - you either create bridges or gaps, bring help or hurt, and produce love or hate.

So let’s dialogue. Let’s disagree. Let’s listen. Let’s learn.

But can we keep it civil? Can we keep our emotions in check? Can we truly listen to understand and empathize? Can we really dialogue without disrespect? Can we really disagree without disassociating from each other or changing our opinions about someone because their belief system may be different from ours? If we really want to do better, let’s listen better. Maybe the person who disagrees with us is really just hurt from some experience in their past. Maybe the person who disagrees with us is much more educated on the topic and has a lot to offer. Maybe we could just honor each other in the midst of disagreement. Now that would be a crazy idea!


How will you be remembered?


Racism is a pandemic