Don't Waste This Time
If I could encourage you during this quarantine it would be with this thought: don’t waste this time. The world around us is full of chaos but that doesn’t mean our lives have to be. We are forced into a slower pace of life that could create an unshakable confidence. This confidence can grow when we start practicing 3 habits in our lives…
1. Focus on God’s Faithfulness.
God will bring us through this season, just like He has every season before. It doesn’t mean it will be without pain, hurt, or loss. It doesn’t mean it will be easy. But we will grow through it if we decide to conquer the way we think. Will we have weak moments? Absolutely. But when we constantly are rewiring our brains to think thankful thoughts, our perspective shifts. When we focus on His faithfulness, it allows gratitude to flow. A focus on His faithfulness won’t always change the season. It will however, change the way you experience it.
Here are some ways I focus on God’s faithfulness in my life…
Journal. I write down my emotions and what’s going on with my thought process. When it’s written, I can go back later and see how God worked. If it’s not written, it’s not real.
If you have never journaled in the past, take some time to think through where God has been faithful to you before. Write down a list and add to it gradually.
Make a grateful list. Write down the things you are thankful for. My mother-in-law has a book designed for this sole purpose. She has thousands of entrees…literally…because each thing she writes down is numbered.
Make a worship playlist. Our church has done just this for you on Spotify. You can make your own and add the songs you love that help shift your perspective.
At meal times before we dive into the food, each person has to share something they are thankful for and it can’t be the same from previous meals.
2. Embrace Slow Living
Dallas Willard says, "Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” The reality is, we won’t be as effective in the Kingdom of God with a hurried soul. Right now, we are forced to slow down but don’t let this habit slide back into your old routines, patterns, and schedules of busyness when this quarantine is over. When you look at the life of Jesus, He never did anything in a hurry. He even waits 4 days after the death of one of His best friends before He raises Lazarus from the dead. Grace has a pace and it is slow!
Here are some ways I slow down…
I sit on my back deck without my phone. I prefer earlier than later, but pick your own time. Pick your beverage of choice (coffee, tea, wine, bourbon, etc) and just pay attention to nature. Notice the trees, animals, flowers, grass, etc. Listen to the sounds around you. Take in the smells. Learn the art of sitting still.
Schedule a time of the day where your kids/spouse gets your full attention. This also means no phone for most of us. Create a habit of playing with your loved ones without the distraction of texts, calls, or social media.
Instead of movies on Netflix or scrolling mindlessly on social media; play a game, do a puzzle, build a fort, start a camp fire, go on a walk/bike ride, etc.
I haven’t done this yet, but I am planning on a day (most likely Monday since it is my day off) to turn off my phone the whole day. I hear this has been the greatest day of the week for the people I know who do this.
3. Fall in Love with You
You will never be able to love others well and be a carrier of God's peaceful, confident, and unshakable power if you’re still believing lies about you. You have to fall in love with you the way Jesus is in love with you. NEWS ALERT - He’s not in love with a future version of you. You are blameless, worthy, and holy even though you sin and fall short because those three things aren’t tied to your performance. They’re tied to Jesus’ performance. When you grasp this reality, it’s impossible for it to produce pride because you didn’t accomplish it. Jesus did on your behalf. Therefore, you cannot be a dirty wretched sinner and a beloved son or daughter of God at the same time. One is the Christian way of pretending to be humble, the other is your true identity.
Here are some things to do or stop doing to fall in love with you
Stop focusing on your sin. Instead, focus on your Savior. Jesus doesn’t want your sin, He wants you. You’re already forgiven whether you want to believe it or not.
Stop comparing. You are amazing and it’s time you start noticing why. Unfollow the people on social media that you find yourself comparing yourself too.
Focus on your gifts. You are talented and you’re not supposed to be a cheap imitation of someone else. Start walking in your own gifts and watch God open doors for you that you thought would never be opened.
Speak God’s truth over your life. Despite what you’ve been taught to believe about yourself from well meaning Christian leaders - you’re loved, valued, approved, and accepted as you are. For real though. God’s not impressed with your efforts. In fact, He wrapped himself in flesh to show you an easier way.
Start off each day with this question: “God, what are you trying to show me today about who you are and who I am?"
Write yourself messages on your mirror or sticky notes. You can start with, “I’m a confident son of the Almighty God and He smiles at me.” Or, “I’m going to lean into my Father and not my fears.” Or, “I’m God’s favorite and He delights in me.” Anything that you need to speak over your life to help you rewire the way you think about God and the way He thinks about you.
Start working out, eating right, and sleeping enough. Almost every mental and physical health issue are tied to these three. If you don’t take the time to take care of you now, you’ll have to make time for health issues later.
In this time, people need the peace that we possess because we recognize the permanent presence, power, and purpose that God has for us. Don’t waste this season. It’s time to create some healthy habits. How are you going to look when this quarantine is done?