You Control The Thermostat

Today, we celebrate and honor the legacy of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I was once told you only live as long as your story is worthy of being told. That means because of the way Dr. King lived his life, his story will forever be told. Can the same be said of the story you’re writing with the way you live your life?

There are so many quotable Dr. King statements and speeches, but my favorite is an illustration he uses…

Thermostats vs. Thermometers

A thermostat dictates the temperature in any given room. A thermometer just informs you of the temperature in the room. I want to be a thermostat! I want to walk into every room I enter and help change the atmosphere with my positivity – whether it comes from my body language or encouraging words. My posture dictates everything. It starts with my relationship with Jesus, which then transfers over to the way that I lead, and is most contagious in the way that I respond to tough life circumstances. What does your posture say about you? What is your attitude like when others are leading? How do you respond when you disagree with others? How do you react when life, marriage, kids, job, etc. doesn’t go the way you expected? We have power to overcome because Christ overcame. We have power to change how we think. We have power to control the atmosphere in any room we’re in.

You have more control than you think…choose to be a thermostat today!


The Westbrook Syndrome


New Year, New You