20 keys to success for 2020
Know your permanent identity as a son or daughter of God. You’re forgiven, loved, valued, and in perfect union with the Creator of the universe at all times. Whether you feel like it or not. It’s easy to read that statement and believe it but if it gets into your soul, your life as a “Christian” actually changes. It causes you to stop praying regularly for ’blessings’ you think you need and step into your destiny AS the 'blessing' for others.
Trust Jesus. We get worked up over stuff and worry about things that rarely end up happening. A famous Christian leader who everyone thinks is a heretic once said, "Worry is lethal to thriving because it's a failure to be fully present.” Let that sink in.
Define success for yourself. Success is less about material and numerical value and so much more about obedience and faithfulness. It’s an attitude. Ben Carson once said, "Successful people don't have fewer problems. They have determined that nothing will stop them from going forward.” You are responsible for your own prosperity and success.
Keep failure in perspective. One of the best pieces of advice I've received is the idea that there is really no such thing as failure. The reason? Failure teaches you how not to do something. Failure isn’t failure if you learn from it. Failure is only final if you quit.
Don’t worry about what other people think. Every single person in the world that knows you thinks of you through their own interaction and perspective. There are very few people who actually know you. Don’t give them anymore mental real estate than you already have. You’ll never do anything great with your life while worrying about what other people think.
Write out a weekly schedule, be conscious, and set goals. Goals should align with the SMART acronym – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely. Remember, if it’s not written it’s not real. If you are more conscious in your day-to-day decisions, you will accomplish more and reach your goals.
Set Boundaries. Boundaries don’t prevent you from getting out, they prevent things from getting in.
Find your rhythm and stay consistent. I’m removing two words from my vocabulary - busy and balance. Busyness is simply misplaced priorities. Balance is the wrong word. I don’t want to balance my family with my job. I want to ride the rhythm of both. Some seasons are crazier than others. I’ll give all of myself to wherever my feet are in any given moment.
Practice positive self-talk. You have to stay emotionally intelligent. You have to think highly of yourself. Our society has done a bad job talking about humility. Proper humility is not thinking less of yourself, just thinking of yourself less. Think about it. You will never be able to minister to others properly until you think the right things about who you are and believe it!
Practice the 3 D’s – Diligent, Detailed, Determined.
Take risks/action. No one is remembered for playing it safe.
Celebrate victories no matter how small. You learn a lot about someone by what they celebrate but I believe you learn a lot more about someone by what they don’t celebrate.
Read! Reading will damage your ignorance for ignorance is not bliss. Educating yourself is your own responsibility. I think it’s wrong to participate in conversations on topics you know very little about.
Eliminate hurry from your life. Or in other words - be where your feet are. I’ve said that phrase in two other keys because of how important it is. The most important aspects of our lives cannot and should not be rushed. James Bryan Smith says, "We cannot love, think, eat, laugh, or pray in a hurry. In our spiritual life, we cannot do anything important in a hurry. When we eliminate hurry we become aware of our surroundings. We see colors and smell smells; we hear hushed sounds and can actually feel the wind in our faces. In short, we “show up” and experience the fullness of life. You are always living in this moment: will you live it present or absent?"
Eliminate distractions. Distractions will only prevent you from your destiny. If you begin to eliminate people and things that distract you from your goals, the 2021 version of yourself will greatly appreciate it.
Find and keep the right relationships. These are people that celebrate who you are not what you do. A wise man once told me to look around the locker room and see who’s in the room with you when you’re losing.
Learn to wait well. If bourbon has ever taught me anything, it’s this lesson. If you’re in a season of waiting, remember that the best bourbon takes 23 years to make.
Be the change. Don’t think about how you can change the world, but rather think about how you can change YOUR world today. Your world will be changed by your example, not by your opinions. It’s easy to criticize others when you’re not focusing on the areas of your life that need to change.
Be grateful. It’s hard to gripe and be grateful at the same time. Thankfulness is an attitude that is learned and practiced. No better time than now to count your blessings and be the person that lives a grateful life.
Be satisfied. God has been teaching me so much in this area over the last year. It started while reading the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000. The line that said that everyone ate and was satisfied jumped off the page like reading it for the first time. I talk a lot about being satisfied in life, relationships, and in your process. I preach about being satisfied in your relationship with God. I want to be satisfied in my relationship with God. But 6 months ago I wasn’t. I felt like I was missing something but the only thing I was missing was within me the whole time. God is not holding anything back from you. To strive for more of God is not only unbiblical, it’s not healthy. Why? Because you can’t get more of something you already have completely. You can get more understanding, knowledge, and revelation but you can’t get more of God…you already have all of Him…He just wants more of you. And if we want to take this long blog and long point one step further, let me conclude with this: God doesn’t even want you to hunger and thirst for Him. Why? Because in John 6:35 Jesus said, “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never hunger and thirst again.” Hunger and thirsting are the responses of orphans and if you remembered key #1, you have to know your position as a son or daughter in the Kingdom of God. You’re already seated at the King’s table and He is thrilled to be in your presence!