Modern Day Pharisees and Kanye

Several people have asked me to write about Kanye. I really don’t want to because there have already been so many blogs and so many conversations. I’ll just leave you with one thought: I have seen people on both sides of the argument make this statement, “time will tell” and I hate it! I believe that phrase should never come out of a Christians mouth ever again when talking about someone’s spiritual walk.


Because it's something a Pharisee would say.

Another reason?

Do we not see how judgmental it is? As if it's our job to judge someone we don’t know. And if Jesus didn’t come to judge the world, why do we? WHAT?! Did I write that accurately? Yup, just read your Bible in it’s proper covenantal context. John 5:22 says, “Moreover, the Father judges no one…” John 12:47 says, “As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to redeem it.”

"Yea, but he’s married to a family of high ranking occult witches?" I actually read this from someone who posted it on Facebook. That statement was said from someone acting like a Pharisee. And it’s the same statement said by Pharisees in Jesus’ day. You know when they started murmuring about the prostitutes past while she was washing Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair. The Pharisees who thought to themselves that if Jesus only knew who was touching him. If he only knew what she had done, and who she had done it with! You know, the same things we say when we utter, “time will tell.”

Judging will not expand the Kingdom. It’s a waste of mental real estate. You know what will expand the Kingdom? Recognizing the truth that when Christians walk into any room, Heaven walks in. And Heaven carries an unfathomable amount of acceptance, grace, forgiveness, and redemption. The goal of Christianity is not to make it to Heaven. The goal of Christianity is to bring Heaven to Earth!


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